Hola! Espero que estén pasando un día maravilloso. Hoy les tengo un breve anuncio que me tiene muy feliz. Como posiblemente ya han visto en el
The Alley Way Stamps blog post de ayer, estaré perteneciendo a su YouTube Team durante el próximo periodo que comienza en Julio. Este es el primer "design team" al que pertenezco por lo que estoy muy emocionada y ansiosa por comenzar a mostrarles mis creaciones utilizando sus
adorables stamps. Espero que disfruten de mi periodo con ellos tanto como yo! ^_^
Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Today I have a brief announcement which makes me very happy. As you possibly have seen on yesterday's The Alley Way Stamps blog post, I'll join their YouTube Team during the next period which starts on July. This is the first design team I belong so I am very excited and can't wait to start showing you all my creations using their adorable stamps. I hope you enjoy my period with them as much as I! ^_^
Congratulations, Emily!!! Very-well deserved!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Ruby!!! ^_^ I'm really excited about it!! :-D
DeleteCongratulations, Emily!!! Very-well deserved!!! :)
ReplyDelete¡Felicidades por tu nueva aventura!
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias Brian!!! Esta aventura me tiene muy emocionada!! 😄